New Mobile Version for Your Repair Shop Website!

Jun 14, 2013

We are excited about the new, customer friendly mobile version of your website!

The new design looks very professional, clean and displays a lot of information about your shop. All of the added features and the new look will make it easier for your customers to learn more about your business and contact you!

Some of the new features on the new mobile version include:

  • Shop picture – allows the visitor to see your shop and get more familiar with your business.
  • Social Media – connect with customers and gain new followers.
  • Coupons – advertise and bring in business.
  • List of Services – showing the visitor if you can fix their vehicle.

Having a website that is compatible with phones, tablets and other mobile devices is a key business practice today. Not only will your site look good on their phone, it will be easy for the consumer to take action by contacting you or scheduling an appointment. Provide your community with an easy way to find your shop and contact you.

If you already have a mobile website with us, check out the new mobile version on your smart phone or tablet. If you don’t and would like to learn more, please call 1-866-665-1605 Option 2 or email us at

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