

Auto repair shop advice


The Challenge of Finding & Keeping Motivated Technicians

If you had to choose between a day where half of your customers didn’t show up or a day where half of your staff didn’t, which would you pick? For most shops, the second scenario is much...

Do Online Directory Listings Matter for Auto Repair Shops?

What are online directory listings? Online directory listings (also known as citations) are the backbone network of local businesses on the web. Google, Facebook, Bing and Yelp are some of the more...

Instagram Is Now a Necessity for Auto Repair Shops

If your auto repair shop is currently not using Instagram, now is the time to do so. Instagram has updated their map functionality to make it easier for users to discover local businesses. Thinking...

Should I Respond to My Auto Repair Shop Google Reviews?

The short answer is yes, but there’s more to it than just posting a quick response.  That’s especially true if the review is negative. I’m writing this blog because we’ve seen a lot of...

How Do Consumers Search for Auto Repair Shops Online?

There is a lot of confusion among auto repair shop owners about how consumers search for auto repair services on the web. Our goal in this blog is to clear up the confusion and help you understand...

When Workers Worry, They Leave in a Hurry

With the possible exception of the financial stimulus bill, there hasn’t been much good news for auto repair shop owners (or really any business owners) in the past couple of weeks.  One of the only good things going for them:  after...

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Leads That Last a Lifetime

What’s the value of a new customer? It depends on the customer – but it also depends on the shop. Click here for ideas on how to turn jobs into recurring revenue without cutting away at your margins by handing out a coupon book.  

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What We Learned from the Last Recession

It’s amazing how fast reality can change.  One month ago, the economy was in great shape, with low unemployment, high customer confidence, and all-time high stock prices.  All three of those are getting shattered this week. Don’t panic –...

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Auto Repair Shop Contingency Planning

Coronavirus is just beginning to take root outside of China, but its spread is (finally) beginning to slow inside of China. It’s not yet clear how supply chains are going to be impacted by the weeks-long shut down of manufacturing plants...

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The Four Levels of Customer Loyalty

Type “customer loyalty” into Google, and you’ll get ads for companies trying to sell you loyalty programs.  Below that is a featured snippet from the book The Intuitive Customer which defines customer loyalty as a “result of a...

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